Breaking Normal is Not Breaking Bad!
Breaking Normal To Create Your Unique Light To Shine
I have the privilege to spend time with people from all walks of life. Most of my clients are in transition of leveling up their career, teams, products, or business as a whole. One consistent we talk about is “normal”. Dearest readers in my experience there is no such thing as normal. Yes, no matter where we are in the world there are social politeness’s, cultural norms, education, careers, family, and finding ways to fit in instead of stand out. We are taught to fit in and not stand out and shine.
Disrupt & Break Normal = Innovation and Creativity Lives Here
The subject of breaking normal is not new to me; it is what we now call a disruptive model. One example of breaking normal is grieving. Recently I was with a group of amazing women. The topic of grieving and how in today’s society we get back to real life quickly and as one woman stated “act normal”. This statement of “act normal”: stuck in my throat for several reasons.
The first reason, why do cultures not allow time for grieving, waling, lamenting, and adjust to the new reality of loss? Second, it hits my heart to hear dynamic men and woman with an amazing careers, family, and communities feel they have to “act normal” after a death in their family or community. This, this is not a gender issue this is a human issue. I am not saying we do not step back into our lives. What I am saying is “acting normal” is stuffing self into a box and not allowing the space to spread your wings into breadth and depth into new realities of life. The gorgeous pieces of life to have are here!
I am not normal on so many area’s, here are a few: I am a late bloomer in all aspects of life, I never fit into just one cliquey group (still don’t), I ask a lot of questions, I am okay saying I am not okay, I boldly ask for other people’s advice, I laugh out loud (loud) when something truly tickles my funny bone, I am not afraid to show emotion in the boardroom (yes, even cry), I am brazen and do not ask permission to help when I know there is a need, and I turn grey in demeanor when others have no voice. Just like you I was born to Break Normal.
When I work with people it is usually the first time they hear, “it is okay to break normal.” What does that mean? We live in a world where disruptive models win our attention, loyalty, purchases, following, and devotion. A few examples I use are Amazon, Rachel Hollis (author of Girl Wash Your Face), and I do dare say Jesus.
- Amazon started as an online book store, then created self-publishing, then created third party vendor sales, creating online grocery delivery shopping, on demand entertainment from television, movies, music, games, innovative distribution centers, and more. In my opinion Amazon has just started breaking normal.
- Rachel Hollis is an author with disrupting the model of perfection (society’s version). In her book Girl Wash Your Face Rachel shares with readers to find their purpose and stop comparing themselves to others. What works for everyone else does not work for you. True disruptive model when a woman instructs other women to not fit in, it is okay to be imperfect and break normal.
- Jesus breaks normal with his gift of salvation. Why would any physical human being die for those who deny him, persecute him, and called him a liar (deceiver)? Jesus gives us the remnant to God’s grace, mercy, and salvation by giving all he has to offer, his life. This disruptive model of sacrifice is breaking normal and still to modern day we have a hard time wrapping our minds around it. Jesus broke normal not just for his family, community, his troops he did so for the world.
You are an amazing human being made with unique gifts, insights, wisdom, and knowledge the rest of us will never have. You are all disruptive models ready to launch into greatness. We are made to be and receive fruits of our unique nature. Your unique Breaking Normal brings you opportunities others will dream of having. Friends open your heart, mind, and spirit to the opportunities of growth!
9 Ways to Start Breaking Normal:
- Stop being reluctant to change and shine
- Shining does not mean center stage, it means shine within your gifts and amazing things will happen.
- Your age does not matter
- It is never too late or early to break normal. Humans are curious by nature so keep being curious.
- Your voice is beautiful
- Speak your mind, speak your heart, and speak from your spirit.
- Your voice is a gift we need to learn from.
- The future is today
- The right time to plant a tree is, today.
- Stop apologizing for being you
- You are you, wear those crazy socks, funky hats, vintage wear, be avant garde, join a board, start a band, coach the kids team, go out for an adult sport; just be you.
- Collaborate with trusted friends or colleagues
- Share your hearts desires it gives you validation.
- Be prepared questions because outwardly you will look different from your inward shine
- Guys, people will ask if you have a new exercise regime, are you back from a vacation, and perhaps your closest mates will ask more intimate details.
- Ladies, you will be asked if you started a new face-care regime, some will ask if you had a face lift, others will say you look great and ask you what you have been doing, and closest friends will ask questions you will blush to.
- Be kind to yourself
- You are unveiling pieces of your unique gifts.
- Awkward is great, there is no going back from here. It will feel like learning to walk then you gain confidence.
People who break normal often embrace the awkward struggle today, knowing the gifts and opportunities on the other side are worth it. When you are a breaking normal person walking into a room people want what you are having; people want the secret. The secret is breaking normal and loving who you are outside social constructs deemed normal.
Friends this feels crazy at first, it is not crazy you are breaking normal! Innovation and creativity lives in breaking normal.
Share with the Red Shoe Tribe where you are Breaking Normal, we need to learn from you and your voice in breaking normal!
- Where have you broken normal?
- Where are you breaking normal now?
- How to you plan to break normal in the future?
Look UP & OUT!
Tracy Worley