It is so easy to hide from your beliefs and convictions. It seems easier to get along with everyone to follow along and not speak up. However, if you are not living within your values you are not showing up in your full potential! The end game is not easier; you are allowing others to tell you to not rock the proverbial boat.
One of the worst things you can do in relationship building with your team is to set an expectation (spoken or not); do not rock the boat. I truly dislike this saying; it tells me there is no belief in the team or you to succeed. There is one guarantee here in not rocking the boat; your organization will not grow or innovate. You will not be able to see the potential if you are not willing to let yourself and others show up to rock, row, swim, navigate, and lead.
Hiking recently I was mulling over recent conversations about not showing up fully in beliefs, values, and voice. Some of you know parts of who I am and what I represent professionally and personally. I have created great compartments on the “Tracy Boat” where certain people, places, and things are kept separate. My beliefs and values are also compartmentalized depending on who I am with. Don’t get me wrong I am not faking it; I am choosing what I share fully. What you see is what you get only if I am willing to allow you to see into my compartmentalized cargo freighter: a.k.a. big ass boat. My heart is convicted by not allowing self and others to grow and innovate…caught in the net of coaching others.
Truth Bomb
Rocking the boat is sharing self-truth, I believe God has carried me over and under a lot of barriers, heart ache, and lifted me with grace to find joy (he is my rock). I am loud, quiet, and have a wicked sense of humor. I am not perfect! I have the ability to sling curse words as if I’ve spent a life time on a pirate ship. There are days a few of these words flow over my tongue and lips like a silk whisper at church; never a whisper it is inevitably audible.I am loyal to those who show up; you’re mine forever. The other side of loyalty is if you cross the line; you are out! Yes, just like Project Runway you are out. Accountability is my super power in leading others to success but do NOT hold me accountable or you will be walking the plank. Accountability is always a piece of the pie for potential and I have several accountability partners who are invited to do so; they are not asked to walk the plank.
What Are You Asking
- What are your beliefs and convictions?
- Do you hold them in high regard on your daily agenda?
- Do you allow others to dictate your voice by “fitting” in?
- Are you complacent in allowing others to tell you to not rock the boat?
- Flip it; are you asking others to not rock it either?
Let’s rock the boat people! On-board who and what is working. Off-board who and what no longer are serving a purpose to fulfill your potential and goals.
Look Up and Out!
Tracy Worley